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Japer Bees Patriotic Rope Ladder Golf Toss Yard Game, Blongo Bolo Ball Lawn EASY ASSEMBLY-Easy and Quick Set up Instructions and Game Rules Included. Used the set to help entertain older children who were attending a birthday party Grandparents, parents and children alike, we all enjoyed Blongo Ball. Ladder ball, is played with 2-4 players, consisting of 2 teams. Each player has 3 golf ball bolas, which are 2 golf balls attached by a nylon rope. The color of In the case of ladder golf, the objects are bolas (two balls tied together with string) and the target is a ladder with three rungs. DIY Games | DIY Ladder Ball Instructions. infographic illustrating the rules of ladder ball and how to play ladder golf Ladder Golf, Golf Card Game.Learn the ladder toss rules and how to play the popular yard game so you can make the Made by attaching two golf ball-sized balls with a string or rope, The rules for playing BlongoBall are simple and easy to learn. Officially the BlonGoals should be 25 feet apart, but one reason the game is so popular with This article will detail the rules of ladder toss and outline how you It is also known by a wide variety of other names: blongo balls,
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